guitAr chorDs

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Detailed Solo Tabs to follow
Chords written as a basis to kickstart somebody to figure out more complete tabs for the individual songs...

SONG TITLE        INTRO   VERSE             CHORUS          SOLO

Sleight Of Hand:  E       F# G A            A G F E Trumpet:ADEA AGD ECA

Alaska:                   C Bb A F# G A     A C D E/A 

Inquiring Minds:  B G G A G A G (F F# G)    F Fm

Untried:                  E G# A D#         Bb (maybe an A D# too?) 

Blind Me:                 C C# C (ham)      C C# D# F       G A G D

Dottie Dawn & JJ:         Pick Barred A     C B G A         high A

Solid:                    Em D C/E D C      F# G A Asus2    B 

Pyramids:                 D A               A F             G F# E

Telescope:                E5 (mute)         D E G D F# E    A 

Slow Race:        A (B) C . A (B) C G   D7 (B C C B B A) G F G

What I Said:              E G C G           D A A7 G        G A

Pasted:           E G C E A C G F           A C D G A E G B A C 

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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